Home place building, Thonglor13 Rd, Bangkok, Thailand
Date of Completion
30 Sq.M.
Italian gelato shop, named “Ampersand”, is the international gelato boutique which is full of the uniqueness in flavours and the high-standard qualities, together with the heedfulness of the owner, she goes around the world to find new ingredient for her special gelato.
The concept design is originally came from the owner, herself, who has created special gelato to her shop. The designers have decided to bring her specialties out and represented hers as a concept.
The building is designed in simplicity, ‘simple but valuable’ is the main idea of the building. We define ‘Ampersand’ as the opening door to the future, but what is that future? Then, we researched deeper until we met the value of simplicity which affected ice-cream. Ampersand brings all global ingredients into the shop and develop these to support ice-cream lovers. To find the ingredients, the owner is always first, spots at the airport for each country special edible stuff. This brighten up designers’ idea about the design. We brought the gate, platform and its signage together with other elements from the airport into the project. The colour is mainly in white and navy blue as required, which is also the identity scheme of Ampersand, and add in with gold to brighten up the elegance.

‘To build something meant to be more that what it is’ is our aim. We create a place where means more than an ice-cream shop. It must be owner’s most favourite place which can always make her happy and feel in love with this place in every second. And this place must represent her brand and herself.

‘Ampersand’ is a full name of the logogram ‘&’, which is represented the word ‘and’. This and also means the combination of ingredients from all around the world. The brand, itself, gives priority to consumers with best quality ingredients, without any artificial ingredients or chemicals and no preservative added.